Andrea Basso

About me

I am a postdoctoral researcher in isogeny-based and post-quantum cryptography at IBM Research Zürich, working with Luca de Feo. Previously, I was a postodoctral researcher at the Crytography Research Group at Bristol University, working with Chloe Martindale and Dan Page, after having completed my PhD at the Security and Privacy Group of the University of Birmingham, under the supervision of Christophe Petit and Sujoy Sinha Roy.

My research focuses on both theoretical and applicational aspects of post-quantum cryptography. I am interested in isogeny-based cryptography and developing new protocols based on isogenies. I also have experience cryptanalyzing existing protocols as well as developing efficient and secure hardware implementations of SABER and other lattice-based algorithms. I was a member of the SABER team, one of the four KEM finalists in the NIST post-quantum cryptography standardization process.


  • A. Basso, P. Dartois, L. de Feo, A. Leroux, L. Maino, G. Pope, D. Robert, B. Wesolowski, SQIsign2D-West The Fast, the Small, and the Safer (preprint)
  • A. Basso, POKE: A Framework for Efficient PKEs, Split KEMs, and OPRFs from Higher-dimensional Isogenies (preprint)
  • A. Basso, M. Chen, T. B. Fouotsa, P. Kutas, A. Laval, L. Marco, G. T. Saah, Exploring SIDH-based signature parameters, ACNS 2024 (preprint)
  • A. Basso, T. B. Fouotsa, New SIDH Countermeasures for a More Efficient Key Exchange, ASIACRYPT 2023 (preprint)
  • A. Basso, L. Maino, G. Pope, FESTA: Fast Encryption from Supersingular Torsion Attacks, ASIACRYPT 2023 (preprint)
  • A. Aikata, A. Basso, G. Cassiers, A. C. Mert, S. Sinha Roy, Kavach: Lightweight Masking Techniques for Polynomial Arithmetic in Lattice-based Cryptography, CHES 2023 (preprint)
  • A. Basso, A Post-Quantum Round-Optimal Oblivious PRF from Isogenies, SAC 2023 (preprint)
  • A. Basso, G. Codogni, D. Connolly, L. De Feo, T. B. Fouotsa, G. M. Lido, T. Morrison, L. Panny, S. Patranabis, B. Wesolowski, Supersingular Curves You Can Trust, EUROCRYPT 2023 (preprint)
  • A. Basso, F. Aydin, D. Dinu, J. Friel, A. Varna, M. Sastry and S. Ghosh, Where Star Wars Meets Star Trek: SABER and Dilithium on the Same Polynomial Multiplier (preprint)
  • M. Imran, F. Almeida, J. Raik, A. Basso, S. Sinha Roy and S. Pagliarini, High-speed SABER Key Encapsulation Mechanism in 65nm CMOS, Journal of Cryptographic Engineering, 2023 (preprint)
  • M. Imran, F. Almeida, J. Raik, A. Basso, S. Sinha Roy and S. Pagliarini, Design Space Exploration of SABER in 65nm ASIC, ASHES 2021 (preprint)
  • A. Basso, P. Kutas, S.-P. Merz, C. Petit, A. Sanso, Cryptanalysis of an Oblivious PRF from Supersingular Isogenies, ASIACRYPT 2021 (preprint)
  • A. Basso, S. Sinha Roy, Optimized Polynomial Multiplier Architectures for Post-Quantum KEM Saber, DAC 2021 (preprint)
  • A. Basso, J. Bermudo Mera, J. P. D'Anvers, A. Karmakar, S. Sinha Roy, M. Van Beirendonck, and F. Vercauteren, SABER: Mod-LWR based KEM, NIST PQC Round 3 submission
  • S. Sinha Roy, A. Basso, High-speed Instruction-set Coprocessor for Lattice-based Key Encapsulation Mechanism: Saber in Hardware, CHES 2020 (preprint).
  • A. Basso, P. Kutas, S.-P. Merz, C. Petit, C. Weitkämper, On Adaptive Attacks against Jao-Urbanik's Isogeny-Based Protocol, AFRICACRYPT 2020 (preprint)
  • A. Basso, F. Pazuki, On the supersingular GPST attack, Journal of Mathematical Cryptology vol. 16, no. 1, 2022 (preprint)

Program committees & Events


Here is a list of presentations I have given:
  • Isogeny Club — Christmas Special, Zürich, Switzerland, 26 May 2024
    POKE: A Framework for Efficient PKEs, Split KEMs, and OPRFs from Higher-dimensional Isogenies, invited talk (slides and recording)
  • ASIACRYPT 2023, Guangzhou, China, 8 December 2023
    FESTA: Fast Encryption from Supersingular Torsion Attacks, paper presentation (slides)
  • ASIACRYPT 2023, Guangzhou, China, 5 December 2023
    New SIDH Countermeasures for More Efficient Key Exchanges, paper presentation (slides)
  • Leuven Isogeny Days 4, Leuven, Belgium, 11 October 2023
    New SIDH Countermeasures for More Efficient Key Exchanges, invited talk (slides)
  • BIRS "Isogeny Graphs in Cryptography" Workshop, Banff, Canada, 22 August 2023
    FESTA: Fast Encryption from Supersingular Torsion Attacks, invited talk (recording)
  • IBM Research Seminar, Zurich, Switzerland, 20 July 2023
    FESTA: Fast Encryption from Supersingular Torsion Attacks
  • EUROCRYPT 2023, Lyon, France, 26 April 2023
    Supersingular Curves You Can Trust, paper presentation (slides and recording)
  • Isogeny Club, online, 14 February 2023
  • A Post-Quantum Round-Optimal Oblivious PRF from Isogenies (slides and recording)
  • Bristol Cryptography Seminar, Bristol, UK, 14 November 2022
  • A Post-Quantum Round-Optimal Oblivious PRF from Isogenies
  • PQCifris 2022, Trento, Italy, 16 October 2022
  • A Post-Quantum Oblivious PRF from Isogenies
  • Isogeny-based Cryptography Workshop, Birmingham, UK, 17 March 2022
    Adaptive Attacks on SIDH-based Protocols (slides)
  • ASIACRYPT 2021, online, 6 - 10 December 2021
    Cryptanalysis of an Oblivious PRF from Supersingular Isogenies, paper presentation (recording)
  • Design Automation Conference (DAC) 2021, online, 5 - 9 December 2021
    Optimized Polynomial Multiplier Architectures for Post-Quantum KEM Saber, paper presentation
  • Budapest Quantum Computer Science Seminar, online, 25 March 2021
    I was an invited speaker to present on Saber and lattice-based cryptography (slides)
  • CHES 2020, online, 14 - 18 September 2020
    High-speed Instruction-set Coprocessor for Lattice-based Key Encapsulation Mechanism: Saber in Hardware, paper presentation (recording)
  • PQCifris Seminar, organized by the Italian national association of cryptography De Componendis Cifris, online, 24 August 2020
    Saber: a post-quantum lattice-based protocol, invited speaker (recording, in Italian)
  • Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium (ANTS), virtual event, 29 June - 4 July 2020
    On Adaptive Attacks against Jao-Urbanik's Isogeny-Based Protocol, poster presentation (slides)

Last updated: July 23rd, 2024